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Principal’s Message

Principal’s message to the graduating batch of 2014-15

Respected Rev. Fr Rector, Fr. Headmaster, Mr. K.J. Devasia, Mr. A.K. Das, Mrs. Mahendri, Mrs. Maria James, Teachers, Parents of the Graduating students, and my dear students,

A very warm good morning to each one of you present here! And a very cordial welcome too!

Let me start by saying a big thanks to you dear parents for taking your time and being present here this morning. Years ago you brought a very hesitant son or a daughter to this school. Now it is time to take back home a very confident, competent, committed and hopefully a compassionate future citizen. Thank you for your unique contribution in forming your ward! Most of the teachers who taught them are present here this morning. Do meet them and say a word of appreciation to them as some of you may not be coming to school again. You may not come but be sure that you will ever be part of the Xavier family.

Now to you my dear graduating students, you entered the portals of St. Xaviers Delhi, several years ago. Now the time has come to bid farewell to your alma mater which has protected you and guided you all these years.

This institution envisages an all around and balanced education based on sound intellectual, physical, moral and social formation. Special stress has been laid on the character formation and development of personality. The aim is to make students erudite, patriotic, law abiding and ceaselessly seeking excellence, with a deep concern for all especially the weak and the poor sections of the society. Whatever you have learned from this institution will enable you to stand in good stead in every situation. It will guide and make your life successful and happy.

You stand at a threshold. If you look back over your shoulder you see the life you have lived for about 13 years. You will probably do that from time to time. Yes, you will look back, but you cannot go back in life. Life is very complicated. Don't try very hard to find answers because when you find answers life changes the questions. So, look ahead. You may not like a lot of what you see. You would see things in a mess all over, in education, in politics, and in civil life.It is not your doing, but you are going to be called upon to help to clean it up.

During your life in this school, we believe, we have given you the necessary tools, academic, moral and spiritual for this very challenging task. We will watch and pray that you use these tools efficiently and effectively in your life ahead. Remember, when you struggle, it is the struggle itself that will make you nobler and your life more meaningful. God upsets our plan only to set up his plan for us because we see our present and plan for our future. But He sees our future and plans our present. Be sure of our interest and support always.

I sincerely thank you for the love, respect support and care that I have received from you. I think I have received more than I could give. If I have hurt you in anyway, please forgive me. Leave all the negative feelings and experiences here and take only the pleasant memories home. Now it is time to let you go and I do that with the same prayer that I had for you every morning when I saw you at the assembly at the start of the day-that each of you reaches the fullness of life, achieve your dreams and make a mark in the world as a Xaverian. My wish for each of you this morning is that whatever you have learnt here takes you to the world of limitless possibilities. May your dreams and the dreams of your parents come true. And for the immediate future, I wish you all the very best in the Board examination.

It's the age of whatsapp and networking. Let me share a message I received a few days ago. It is about a Journey. Life is like a journey on a train with its stations, with changes of routes and with accidents.. We board this train when we are born and our parents are the ones who get our ticket. We believe they will always travel on this train with us. However, at some station our parents will get off the train, leaving us alone on this journey. As time goes by, other passengers will board the train, many of whom will be significant, our siblings, friends, children and even the love of our life. Many will get off during the journey and leave a permanent vaccum in our lives. Many will go so unnoticed that we won’t even know when they vacated their seats and got off the train. This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations) hellos, good byes and farewells. A good journey is helping, loving, having a good relationship with all co passengers, and making sure that we give our best to make their journey comfortable. The mystery of this fabulous journey is we do not know at which station we ourselves are going to get off. So we must live in the best way, adjust, forget, forgive and offer the best of what we have. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to leave our seats we should leave –get off leaving behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life. Thank you for being one of the important passengers on my train.. Don't know when my station will come, don't want to miss saying Thank you. Thank you all for being part of this beautiful journey.

Go forth and embrace your future with open arms, and enthusiastically pursue your own life- journey of discovery. Render dedicated service to humanity and live a happy and peaceful life.

May God bless you abundantly. Wish you all the very best in life..Stay connected.

Fr Jose Jacob