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Assessment and Promotion Criteria

Assessment and Promotion Criteria:

The school follows the guidelines issued by the government and the CBSE for the promotion of students to the next class. Guidelines given by the government and the CBSE are subjected to change from time to time. In the wake of the new rules adopted by the government regarding promotion to the next class, the school is of the opinion that students, who do not qualify to earn promotion if promoted, would find challenges in the succeeding years which in turn will adversely affect their future academic performance.

    Class 8, 9 and 10:

  • Scholastic area will be assessed in 9 point grade scale and Co-Scholastic areas in 5 point grade scale.
  • For Class 9 and 10 appearing in both the Summative Examinations is mandatory.

Class 11:

  • Assessment of Class XI will be divided in 2 terms. Promotion to class XII will be on the basis of performance in years average of two terms
  • In order to be declared as having passed the Class XI Examination, a candidate shall obtain minimum of 33% marks in all the subjects.
  • In case of subject involving practical work a candidate must obtain 33% marks in theory and 33% in practical separately in addition to minimum 33% marks in aggregate in order to qualify in that subject.
  • In Internal grade subjects the grade should be higher than E grade.